To learn and practise the spelling rules associated with base words ending in 'y' when endings (suffixes) are added.
Lesson plan
The lesson is divided into a series of activities where students
group words according to whether they keep the final 'y' of the base word when a suffix is added, or change 'y' to 'i'. For each set of examples, students are
asked to identify and make predictions about the patterns for this area
of spelling.
To learn and practise the spelling rules associated with base words ending in 'e' when endings (suffixes) are added.
Lesson plan
The lesson is divided into a series of activities where students
group words according to whether they drop or keep the final 'e' of the
base word when a suffix is added. For each set of examples, students are
asked to identify and make predictions about the patterns for this area
of spelling.
To increase student awareness of the sound sequences in one syllable words.
To highlight that there is not a one-to-one correspondence between sounds and letters.
To practise dividing words into syllables.
Lesson plan
In this lesson, students will work through three activities. The first two involve categorising words according to syllable structure and number of syllables, while the third activity is a class competition requiring students to draw on their vocabulary knowledge.
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Englicious (C) Survey of English Usage, UCL, 2012-21 | Supported by the AHRC and EPSRC. | Privacy | Cookies